Inventale Officially Launches Custom Projects Line

The story of our company started with the development of the ad network forecasting and optimisation tool. For 16 years, this platform has become an indispensable part of the business processes for dozens of medium and large media companies all over the world. However, all this time, we have been helping our partners to solve not only media-planning but other vital business tasks.

During the past several years, our team has launched more than 40 exciting projects like:

  • a system for processing juridical packs of documents and automatic templates generation,
  • analysis of CV databases and quick search for the most prospective candidates for recruiting agencies,
  • analytics of history of users’ movements and their interests for targeted advertising,
  • forecasting on football matches performance in near real-time based on video-statistics,
  • virtual stylist

The brightest examples are described here.

Implementing our partners’ projects, we applied natural language processing, video-recognition, complex cross-platform integrations, building of forecasting models based on Big Data and many other technologies.

Thus, a team of young and talented developers and data scientists, dedicated to client projects, have been gradually shaping within our company. We decided to go even further and develop Custom Projects into an independent line.

Work in the team is in full swing, there is no room for boredom, and we are always delighted to get new opportunities to apply our accumulated knowledge and experience. So our collective wish near the corporate Christmas Tree will be new exciting tasks. Good luck to all our readers and Happy New Year!

Svetlana Petryanina
Svetlana PetryaninaCopywriter